Georg Arnhold Fellowship Program in Germany

Georg Arnhold Fellowship Program in Germany-main-feat

Deadline: 1 October 2017
Eligibilitydistinguished scholars from the humanities, political and social sciences, education sciences or law who hold a PhD
Fellowship: monthly stipend up to 6,500 EUR for a three- to six-month research stay, round-trip economy airfare


The Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research Member of the Leibniz Association is pleased to announce the Call for Applications for the 2018/2019 Georg Arnhold Visiting Research Professorship in Education for Sustainable Peace.

The appointment, for a three- to six-month research stay in Braunschweig, offers distinguished scholars from a variety of disciplines the opportunity to conduct research projects or to complete major publications without teaching or administrative obligations. The visiting professor participates in a one-week International Summer School for young scholars and develops the concept for the international Arnhold Symposium to be held at the end of his or her stay.

The fellowship aims to promote education for sustainable peace with a particular focus on educational media and curricula at secondary school level in post-conflict or transitional societies.

Other criteria

  • Distinguished scholars from the humanities, political and social sciences, education sciences or law who hold a Ph.D. and have excellent knowledge of English may apply;
  • Applicants must demonstrate outstanding academic or professional achievement in their fields and ideally combine scholarly excellence and contact with hands-on practice and grassroots work;
  • Individuals with extensive high-level international experience in government or non-governmental organizations or in international organizations may also apply.

In exceptional cases, the Georg Eckert Institute will consider applications from practitioners who do not hold a Ph.D. but who have at least five years of advanced professional experience in the area of peace education and who can demonstrate that their work and/or research projects have made an outstanding impact in the field of peace education.


  • A monthly stipend up to 6,500 EUR for a three- to six-month research stay in Braunschweig;
  • Round-trip economy airfare to Germany;
  • Administrative support provided by the program coordinators.

Candidates are responsible for obtaining a passport and any visa that might be required as well as for arranging healthcare insurance for the duration of their stay in Germany.


Guidelines and application form HERE.

More information HERE.