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Deadline: September 26, 2019
Award: The Prize consists of a cash award of CHF 10’000
All travel expenses for the winner to attend the award ceremony in Geneva will be covered
The prize would help fund projects while providing increased international visibility for the participant’s work.
The winner will be chosen by a panel of judges consisting of renowned practitioners from international organizations, governments, and the private sector, who will also attend the ceremony.
Eligibility: international
Do you have an innovative idea that could revolutionize the field of Global Security?
If yes, Submit your project today!
In 2015, under the umbrella of its Creativity and Innovation Initiative, the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and its Geopolitics and Global Futures Programme established a prize in order to recognize deserving individuals or organizations that have an innovative approach to addressing international security challenges.
The prize is designed to reach across all relevant disciplines and fields. It seeks to reward the most inspiring, innovative and ground-breaking contribution of the year, whether this comes in the form of an initiative, invention, research publication, or organization.
A broad range of projects could qualify for consideration, including, but not limited to, technological and conceptual innovations, original research or grassroots initiatives.
In today’s ever-evolving globalized landscape, it is important to look at both which issues are currently the most pressing, as well as those that are poised to become future challenges.
Geneva Centre for Security Policy aims to identify and analyze these emerging issues so that national and global actors have the necessary tools to be proactive rather than reactive while maintaining peace, security, prosperity, dignity, and equality for all.
They focus mainly on research and publication.
They also foster events and discussions in order to bring together relevant actors from a variety of fields, encouraging them to generate new ideas.
The prize is intended to encourage and recognize excellence in contributing to new approaches to enhancing sustainable global security.
The prize is awarded by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, as part of its Programme for Geopolitics and Global Futures, under the Creativity and Innovation Initiative.
A broad range of projects could qualify for consideration, including, but not limited to, technological and conceptual innovations, original research or grassroots initiatives.
Applications may come from any country, but the project should go beyond national borders in its reach or thinking and must seek to address global security in innovative ways or through new ideas.
Apply HERE
More information HERE