
Cambridge, United Kingdom
May 16, 2025


The WPIF is designed to support projects that engage under-represented ‘home fee status’ undergraduates in UK higher education, particularly at the University of Cambridge. The fund encourages initiatives that:

  • Develop subject interests in younger students, including those in primary school.
  • Encourage Year 12 students to apply to Cambridge or other top universities.
  • Help new students improve their knowledge and study skills beyond school-level work.

Each academic year, £400,000 is available, with individual Colleges able to apply for up to £50,000. The fund operates on an academic year cycle from October to September and is expected to run until September 2025.


The next application deadline is , with submissions due by 5 pm on that day.


  • Fund Duration: March 2022 – September 2025
  • Academic Year Cycle: October – September
  • Upcoming Application Deadline: 16 May 2025


University of Cambridge, United Kingdom


The WPIF is open to all Cambridge Colleges. Colleges can apply individually, collaboratively with other Colleges, or jointly with other institutions such as University departments or voluntary sector organizations. Grants are awarded and disbursed to Colleges but may include costs associated with participation in University-wide programmes. Each project should be completed within 12 months of funding.

Application Process:

Applicants must include a Cover Sheet and Proposal, adhering to specific formatting guidelines:

  • Font: Calibri, Aptos, or Arial, size 11 or larger
  • Margins: Minimum of 1 inch on all sides
  • Length: Proposal should not exceed two sides of A4

The Proposal should detail:

  1. A full description of the project, including a timetable
  2. Budget with full costs, indicating which costs the WPIF will cover
  3. Information about the project’s objectives and rationale
  4. How the project aims to achieve its objectives
  5. Methods for measuring and reporting the project’s impact
  6. Indicators of positive change

Applicants should also indicate the extent of consultation with subject specialists in relevant departments or faculties.

Eligible Costs:

The WPIF grants can be used for:

  • Partial salary costs for new posts or back-filling existing posts temporarily assigned to the project
  • Student travel costs to outreach events held at Colleges
  • Creation of lasting resources, such as websites or equipment
  • Direct student contact activities, such as residential events
  • Projects targeting primary school pupils

The grants cannot be used for:

  • Additional bursaries or scholarships already covered under the Cambridge Bursary Scheme
  • Buying out the time of existing Admissions/Schools’ Liaison staff
  • Core University business
  • Teaching for the Foundation Year, which is already fully funded
  • Hiring College rooms

For salary costs, the fund expects salaries to match suitable pay scales, with justification provided if they differ.

Evaluation Criteria:

The WPIF prioritizes well-costed, innovative proposals that address educational gaps exacerbated by COVID-19. Projects should not replace funds already committed by a College to an activity, as such applications may be given low priority. A panel, chaired by a Trustee of the Isaac Newton Trust, will decide all funding outcomes for the WPIF.

Reporting Requirements:

Colleges must report back to the Isaac Newton Trust, evaluating the project funded by their award. This report may be shared with other Colleges and the wider University to inform future outreach and induction work.

Link to the Fund:

For more information and application details, visit the Isaac Newton Trust’s WPIF page HERE

Cambridge, United Kingdom
Isaac Newton Trust Widening Participation and Induction Fund (WPIF)
Isaac Newton Trust Widening Participation and Induction Fund (WPIF)