SUSI for European Student Leaders 2017


Deadline: 2 February 2017

Fee: Institute participation, including travel and lodging, is free.

Eligibility: Only for Norwegian citizens


Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Student Leaders from Europe are five-to-six-week academic programs designed for foreign undergraduate students between the ages of 18 and 25 to improve their understanding of the United States and to develop their leadership skills. Institutes include a four-week academic residency consisting of interactive classroom activities, discussions, lectures, readings, site visits, and workshops; a one week educational study tour to a different region of the United States; leadership skills building activities; community service; and opportunities to interact with their American peers on a college campus. Institute participation, including travel and lodging, is free.

The Study of the U.S. Institutes will take place in June and July 2017. Each Institute will have up to 22 participants and will include a four week academic residency component and a one week integrated study tour.

The Norwegian Fulbright commission will nominate four students (two for Social Entrepreneurship, and one each for Civic Engagement and Environmental Issues).

Applicants can apply for one institute:

  • Civic Engagement ( University of South Carolina)
  • Environmental Issues (University of Oregon)

Social Entrepreneurship (University of Tennessee-Chattanooga)


APPLICATION FORM (if you have trouble with the form you can print it and fill it out manually)

Send the application by e-mail to: before midnight February 2, 2017.

Candidates must specify which Institute they are applying for in the application form.


Note that in addition to the application, all applicants must submit two letters of reference and certified academic transcripts. The reference form should be forwarded to two recommenders. The letters should then be sent by the recommenders directly by e-mail to: before midnight February 2, 2017.

Mailing address for certified (copies) of your academic transcripts: U.S.-Norway Fulbright Foundation, Arbinsgate 2, 0253 Oslo

Check list for application:

  • Application form
  • Two reference letters
  • Academic transcripts

An incomplete application may not be considered.

More information HERE