FutureLab Europe Programme



Deadline:  2 September 2016
Open to: young European between the ages of 20 and 30 years old


Are you an ambitious and creative young European aged 20-30 who is actively engaged in civil society actions and for whom active citizenship is of particular relevance? Do you have a strong interest in Europe and do you believe that citizens have an important role to play in influencing the direction of our continent? Are you interested in running a project related to democratic participation, equal opportunities or European identity in your community or beyond? If so, we would be pleased to welcome you as a member of the sixth generation of the FutureLab Europe programme. FutureLab Europe is selecting 20 bright and committed young Europeans for its 2017 edition.

More information about FutureLab Europe

Europe is a multi-level governance system and participation in European democracies starts at the grassroots level. Yet, every day’s news show that policy-makers, both at the European and national level, are disconnected from citizens’ daily considerations and that Europe is too often perceived as an elite project. To turn this around, FutureLab Europe supports young Europeans in their active citizenship efforts at their level: their communities.

For its 2017 edition, FutureLab Europe is looking for 20 bright and committed young Europeans who want to play a role in the future of Europe by implementing a project with a civic impact. Projects ideas can include (but are not limited to!) a blog series, volunteering activities, a picture exhibition, artwork, short movie, school visits, a series of debates and should be connected to the programme’s focal topics:

  • Democratic values in Europe– What can we as young Europeans do to ensure that Europe’s democratic values are at the basis of our societies?
  • Equal opportunities for young people– How can we as young people overcome the multiple barriers we face and ensure that our society and economy offer the same opportunity to all of us?
  • European identity– Has European identity meaning for us as young people and how can we contribute to further foster it?

Structure of the programming year

Selected participants will convene to Brussels in February 2017 for a 4 days seminar on occasion of the FutureLab Europe Annual Forum, whereby they will become official members of FutureLab Europe’s sixth generation. On this occasion, they will have the chance to interact with international decision-makers, meet FutureLab Europe’s members of the previous generations, learn more about active citizenship and project management, develop ideas and take actions on how their own projects will be implemented during the rest of the year. After this introduction into the programme, each member of the sixth generation will turn ideas into concrete activities to be implemented at the national/local level with the (small-scale financial) support of FutureLab Europe.  Following this implementation period, FutureLabbers will have the opportunity to present their group activities in Brussels in September/October 2017 and to debate their results with high-level decision-makers.

Still interested and motivated to join the programme? Fill in the application form.


In order to qualify for the programme, applicants must be young Europeans aged 20-30. Applications will be evaluated on the basis of applicants’ communication skills, civic engagement, European commitment, and overall quality and feasibility of the project proposal.  Affiliation to one of the foundations financing the programme, possession of particular artistic skills and/or belonging to a minority group will be considered advantages.

The deadline for applications is set for September 2, 2016. A pre-selection will be carried out during the first two weeks of September by the FutureLab Europe EPC team. Pre-selected candidates will be interviewed (in person or via Skype) at the end of September by the foundations financing the programme. The final results of the selection will be announced in the course of October 2016.

Apply HERE

More info HERE